A Crime in Ramallah, a book by the author, was just released by Al-Moustawasit Publications. The Palestinian authorities confiscated the book on the grounds that it violated morals and public decency, which caused a significant media response. The novel had been banned by a decree from the Palestinian Public Prosecutor, and the author, Abbad Yahya, was called in for investigation. After the announcement of this judgment and its implementation, reactions in cultural circles escalated as intellectuals, authors, and media professionals declared their solidarity with the writer and their stance in support of what they saw as freedom of thought, expression, and creation. On social media, a statement was posted to express rejection of the novel being confiscated.

Ban and backlash create a bestseller

Crime in Ramallah: Noor’s Story

A Palestinian Novel Unearths Dirty Secrets in the Arab World

A Crime in Ramallah, Abbad Yahya

Palestinian authorities ban 'Crime in Ramallah' novel over 'indecency'

Facing Death Threats And A Ban On His Novel, A Palestinian Author Flees

PEN Issues Statement About Case Against Palestinian Author Abbad Yahya and His ‘Crime in Ramallah’

Palestine: Abbad Yahya under investigation for ‚ Threatening morality’ and has books banned

#IndexAwards2018 Arts Nominee Abbad Yahya

“Crime in Ramallah” by Abbad Yahya